
How can I see my file?


We have to keep some records about our involvement with anyone who use our services.  Records are kept for varying periods of time in accordance with appropriate legislation.

If you are receiving, or have received help from us, you should have access to your records wherever possible.  You can also ask someone else to contact us on your behalf, such as a relative, however in cases like this we would need to check we have your permission to release any information.

Your legal rights

‘Personal information’ means anything which could identify you, such as your name, address, date of birth, and information about your involvement with us.

Personal information about you which is held on computer is also covered by the Data Protection Act 1998.  This states that with certain exceptions, you have a right of access to personal information held about you.


There are some circumstances when information may not be available.  These are:

  • where there is information about another person;
  • information about the prevention and detection of crime;
  • legally restricted information (mainly adoption records);
  • in very exceptional cases, if there is a risk of harm.

How do I ask to see my file?

Write to:

Social Services Department
Anvil Court
Church Street
NP13 1DB

Your letter should include your name, address and date of birth and enough details for us to identify you and know what information you want.

We will write to you to acknowledge your request within 5 working days.  We will give you the information within 40 days of receiving your request.

We have to consult with other professionals and agencies, for instance the Health Authority, before giving you information they have provided to us about you.

What if I am refused access?

If you are told you cannot see your personal file, you have the right to appeal against this decision by contacting Social Services at the above address in order to access the Social Services complaints procedure.

What if there are mistakes in my file?

In order to ensure that the information held is accurate, if there are errors of fact in your file you have the right to have these mistakes corrected, and any unnecessary information deleted.

If we tell you the file is not to be changed, you have the right to appeal (as outlined above).

Contact Information

For information, advice or assistance, to make a referral or report concerns in relation to:

  • a person aged 18 or over, please contact the Adult Services IAA Hub
  • a child or young person, please contact the Children’s Services IAA Hub

Telephone: 01495 315700
Email Adults Team: DutyTeamAdults@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk

Email Children's IAA Team: duty.team@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk

Fax: 01495 353350

Social Services Directorate
Anvil Court
Church Street
NP13 1DB