
Staying safe during the coronavirus emergency

Not every home is a place of safety, for some, it may become a place where isolation increases the risk of abuse and control.

While the stay-at-home rules are in force and we are self-isolating, you may need to re-consider how to keep safe at home.

It’s important to think how this situation changes your safety plan.

  • Your abuser is likely to be at home with you
  • Your children may be home from school
  • Your finances may be put under additional pressure
  • You may not be able to speak to your support networks, family or friends
  • How your own health and wellbeing will change

How you can stay safe

Stay in touch with family and friends where you can – there are a number of useful apps to visually stay in touch: Skype, FaceTime, Video calling, just remember to do these safely. Others may be listening

  • Where you can safely access support, contact your local domestic abuse service or the helpline to establish a safe plan at home or a safe leaving plan
  • Establish a code word or an emergency sign/signal to let those close to you know you need help and to call the police
  • Where you can, keep a bag of essential items safe, consider options for storing this safely;  leaving with a trusted neighbour
  • Use local shops where online shopping slots are unavailable and speak to someone
  • Silent calls to police – dial 999 – then 55 if you can’t talk (Find out more information about this service)

Home shouldn’t be a place of fear

The ‘Home shouldn’t be a place of fear’ campaign has been launched to let those at risk know that help is still available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via Live Fear Free.

Join the conversation on social media using #LiveFearFree

You can download further information including posters, images and films.

Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence – online training

We want anyone who is still in a position to help those who may be at increased risk of abuse to be able to recognise the signs. We want to share how help can be given safely, whether that is one of the thousands of volunteers assisting our most vulnerable, an emergency contractor, postal services workforce, local shops or supermarket employees.

That is why we have made our violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV) online learning module accessible to all (temporarily during coronavirus outbreak via a guest log in).

Undertake the 45 minute online training via a guest log in.

Talk to us now

If you, a family member or a friend, have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence, you can contact the Live Fear Free Helpline for 24 hour free advice and support or to talk through your options.
Get in touch with Live Fear Free advisors free of charge by phone, online chat, text or email.

Contact us now