
New Self Employed Grant

Businesses can now find out if they are eligible to apply for Welsh Government’s Self Employed Start Up Grant of £2,500. 

This grant provides financial assistance for newly created self-employed businesses that are facing operational and financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Applications can be made from 29th June 2020 for up to 3 months. 2000 grants are available pan Wales and applications will be dealt with on a first come first served basis.

Who Can Apply

This grant can only be claimed by businesses that meet the following criteria:

• Started trading between 1st April 2019 and 29th February 2020
• Annual turnover less than £50,000
• Not in receipt of the Self Employment Income Support Scheme
• Businesses must be operating and employing in Wales
• Limited companies are not eligible for this bursary
• Businesses must have one or more of the following
• HMRC Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) Number
• VAT Registration Number or a VAT exemption certificate
• Have experienced a drop in turnover greater than >50% as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak (since the 1st March 2020)
• Supported businesses must aim to maintain employment for 12 months
• Only one application per businesses
• Businesses will need to provide:
• Proof of identification (one of the following)
o Current UK or EEA photocard driving licence
o Current signed passport
o Original Birth certificate
• Proof of business address (one of the following)
o Council tax statement
o Utility bill
• Evidence of active trading up to 17th March 2020
o Business bank statement or other financial statement (e.g. Paypal)

The grant is available to newly created self-employed businesses that are not eligible for the Business Rate Grant, the Self Employment Income Support Scheme or the Economic Resilience Fund.
Second home owners with short or long term tenancy agreements are not eligible for this bursary.

How Much Can You Apply For

A grant of £2,500 is available per business, to support with immediate cash flow to help businesses remain solvent throughout the disrupted trading period.
Businesses need to confirm that without the grant support the viability of the enterprise will be under threat, and outline why.

All applications will be considered on an individual basis and payment of the grant is at the absolute discretion of the Local Authority.

How To Submit An Application

Businesses can apply for the grant by completing the application form that can be found at the bottom of the page under related documents.  

The form can be completed electronically and emailed together with the required evidence documents to:

Email: business@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk

What Happens After The Application Is Received?

Receipt of your application will be acknowledged within 10 working days.

Decisions on applications will be made based on the information provided in the application form, associated evidence and information checks that are conducted from other business data sources. If any data in incomplete or incorrect or the evidence provided is insufficient we will not process the application and it will be rejected.

We aim to process grant applications within 30 days of receipt.

If applications are approved you will receive a grant approval letter by email notifying you of the award of the grant, the likely payment date and a link to the terms and conditions for your reference. Grant offers will be open for 14 days – if not accepted within this period the offer will be withdrawn.
Grants will be paid on the basis that 100% of the grant is paid up front, with a requirement that we may ask the business to produce evidence of expenditure at a later date.

Applicants must accept the offer letter by e-mail before payment can be made. The email address for your local authority is business@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk

If your application is unsuccessful, you will receive an email outlining the reason[s] for rejection. There is no appeal process.

Grant Repayment

Applicants should note that the Local Authority may require repayment of the grant in full or part if the funds are not used for the purposes stated on the application form. The applicant, is entering into an agreement as such and this may be enforced by requesting proof, post grant award.

Related Documents

  • Start up Grants Guidance Notes
  • FAQs Start Up Grant
  • Start Up Grant Application Form