
Gwent Citizen’s Panel

What is the Gwent Citizen’s Panel?

The Citizens’ Panel is a group of people who live in Gwent who are regularly asked to provide their views and are consulted on services across health and social care.

This is an exciting opportunity to help shape local services and have your say about important decisions and issues in the local community. The commitment is low, you will simply be invited take part in bi-monthly meetings and online engagement such as surveys or feedback on reports and assessments. You can choose which activities you want to take part in.

Citizens’ Panel members also receive newsletters on a regular basis to keep them updated.

Making A Difference

Understanding residents' views means that we are better able to target resources and develop services that meet the needs of local people. The purpose of the panel is to find out what residents think about local issues and services.

This helps us do the right things and feeds directly into policy and decision-making processes. Feedback from the panel will be reported to Councillors and senior managers, to help them make better informed decisions to improve the lives of people in the borough.

Other Ways to Share Your Views

The Citizens' Panel is just one method we use to better understand the views of residents across Gwent. We will continue to listen to people's views through a range of ways, including online consultation, paper surveys and through enabling public participation in meetings and through local Councillors.

Keeping Personal Information Secure

If you would like to know more about how we use and store the information you give us, you can find further information in in our privacy policy.

Information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and no information will be released that could identify an individual, organisation or household when we report on findings of engagement activities.

Would you like to Join Us?

To become a panel member, you must be a resident of Gwent, and be over 16 years old. If you would like to join, please contact us at citizenpanel@torfaen.gov.uk or 01495 761691.

If you are an existing citizens' panel member and any of your contact details have changed, please let us know via email.