
Gwent Youth Question Time 2022

<p>Young people from across Gwent have the chance to take part in an online ‘question – time style’ event hosted by the Office of Police Crime Commissioner for Gwent and Gwent Regional Youth Forum on<span> </span><strong>Thursday 10 March 4.30pm – 6.30pm.<br /></strong><br />It’s an opportunity to pose a question to panel of professionals who specialise in a wide range of issues that young people have told us are important to them. <br /><br />- Policing<br />- mental health<br />- safer relationships<br />- tackling discrimination and hate crime. <br /><br />Questions can be sent in before the event to:<span> </span><a href="mailto:commissioner@gwent.pnn.police.uk">commissioner@gwent.pnn.police.uk</a>  or during the session.<br />It's up to you! <br /><br />Sign up today: <span> </span><a rel="noopener" href="https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/preview?eid=240930127497/?eid=240930127497/" target="_blank">https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/preview?eid=240930127497/?eid=240930127497/</a><br /><br />The panel includes:<br /><br />- Jeff Cuthbert, Police Crime Commissioner of Gwent<br />- Pam Kelly, Chief Constable Gwent Police<br />- Dr Rachel Evans, Child and Family Psychology and Therapies Service<br />- Rebecca Stanton, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing<br />- Chris Hunt, Regional Community Cohesion team<br />- Kelly Harris, Brooke Cymru</p>