
Health & Safety Concerns and Complaints

The Environmental Health Service carry out health and safety inspections to ensure that employers are aware of their legal duties and to assess compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated regulations.

We inspect premises such as shops, warehouses, places used for leisure activities and other non-industrial premises. If you would like to make a complaint or are concerned about health and safety at a premise please use this link to let us know:

 Larger industrial premises such as factories are inspected by the as are activities such as demolition and building work.

Premises are inspected at a frequency determined by the hazards associated with that workplace and how well the risks are controlled. Each year we develop a work plan which reflects issues which have been identified as posing a Health and Safety risk.

What to expect during the inspection

Inspections are usually made unannounced with the manager of the business. The inspector may also wish to speak to employees, health and safety representatives, trade union representatives and other interested parties.

During the inspection the officer will ask to examine paperwork such as:

  • Company health and safety policy
  • Risk assessment
  • COSHH assessment (control of substances hazardous to health)
  • Accident book/records
  • Training records
  • Maintenance records, for example, the workplace and work equipment
  • Internal inspection reports
  • Certificates, for example, electrical installation and gas appliances examinations
  • Emergency procedures

A physical inspection of the workplace will also be carried out to determine: -

  • Condition/cleanliness of the premises such as external structure and internal walls, floors, ceilings, windows, traffic routes, fixtures and fittings
  • Provision of welfare facilities such as toilets, washing/drying facilities, drinking water, rest rooms and storage for clothing
  • Condition of external areas such as car parks, pedestrian walkways
  • Workplace comfort such as temperature, ventilation, lighting, workstations, room dimensions and space
  • Condition and location of work equipment

Following the inspection

At the end of the inspection the officer will advise you of his/her findings and the officer will follow up the visit with a report outlining the requirements necessary to comply with the legislation.

In some cases, it may be necessary to take immediate formal action if the officer finds anything that presents a serious risk to health and/or safety.

Improvement notices may be served where the officer is of the opinion that a person(s) is contravening legal requirements. The notice will outline what is wrong and give a time limit for compliance.

Prohibition notices may be served where there is a serious risk of personal injury. The notice directs a person not to carry out specified activities.

Prosecution is also an option where there is a blatant disregard for the law, a reckless disregard for health and safety, repeated breaches or failure to comply with notices.

Contact Information

Commercial Team
Telephone Number: 01495 369542
Address:  Public Protection – Environmental Health, Commercial Team, The General Offices, Steelworks Road, Ebbw Vale, NP23 6DN

Email Address: environmental.health@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk